Zwei Jahrzehnte Ransomware

Erpresserische Angriffe auf Unternehmen mit Verschlüsselungssoftware haben in den letzten Jahrzehnten eine rasante Entwicklung durchlaufen und werden weiter eine große Gefahr für die Datensicherheit stellen. Unternehmen müssen sich nicht zuletzt durch ständige Datensicherung in die Lage versetzen, solche Angriffe ignorieren zu können.

Im Mai 2000 veränderte ein Student auf den Philippinen mit einem simplen Stück Malware die Welt der Cybersicherheit für immer: LoveBug hatte am Ende mehr als 45 Millionen Computer infiziert und den Grundstein für die milliardenschwere Industrie der der Erpressersoftware gelegt. Es war die erste Malware, die sowohl Unternehmen als auch Privatuser in erheblichem Maße schädigte und offline stellte. Einer der wichtigsten aktuellen Schwerpunkte der damals beginnenden kriminellen Cyberindustrie ist zur Zeit die Ransomware.

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(Bild: gemeinfrei / Pixabay )

net.extend takes part in Munich Cyber Security Conference 2019

Addressing top level managers and executives from the private and public sectors, the Munich Cyber Security Conference (MCSC) offers a unique space for exchanging and discussing solutions to the manifold challenges in information and cyber security. Focusing on the role and responsibility of decision-makers, the conference emphasizes effective strategies and agile management concepts to deal with the current threat landscape and also provides insight into the future evolution of cyber security policies.

Munich Cyber Security Conference 2018 / Hotel Bayerischer Hof / MCSC / 15.02.2018 Foto: Security Network Munich / Stephan Goerlich

MSCS always takes place the day before the Munich Security Conference (MSC). Ambassador Wolfgang Ischinger, Chairman of the Munich Security Conference, is Patron of the Munich Cyber Security Conference.

Global Risk Report: Cyberattacks are in top 4 !

Cybersecurity risks are growing, both in their prevalence and in their disruptive potential. Attacks against businesses have almost doubled in five years, and incidents that would once have been considered extraordinary are becoming more and more commonplace. The financial impact of cybersecurity breaches is rising, and some of the largest costs in 2017 related to ransomware attacks, which accounted for 64% of all malicious emails. Notable examples included the WannaCry attack—which affected 300,000 computers across 150 countries—and NotPetya, which caused quarterly losses of US$300 million for a number of affected businesses. Another growing trend is the use of cyberattacks to target critical infrastructure and strategic industrial sectors, raising fears that, in a worst-case scenario, attackers could trigger a breakdown in the systems that keep societies functioning.

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75% of CEOs use applications that aren’t approved by IT

CEOs and business decision makers (BDMs) say they understand the massive cybersecurity risks facing organizations today. However, that does not stop 75% of CEOs and 52% of BDMs from using applications and programs that are not approved by their IT department, according to a new report from Code42. About half of these professionals said they have experienced a security breach within the last 18 months.

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(Deutsch) How to Spot the Six Archetypes of Insider Threat

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Every day, data walks out the doors of businesses around the globe. Sometimes this data exfiltration is unintentional, other times it’s malicious. Often what’s taken is harmless, but sometimes it’s valuable company IP or sensitive material. With IP accounting for 80 percent of a company’s value, the potential impact of insider threat is enormous.

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WSJ warns of ransomware—misses the obvious solution


Read through the recent Wall Street Journal ransomware article and you’ll find some great stats on the growing threat and cost. One thing you won’t find: the word “backup.” We’re happy to see ransomware finally getting the attention it deserves, but why discuss the problem and leave out the obvious, simple antidote? It’s like an article on a bike theft epidemic that fails to mention that none of the bikes were locked up.

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