Zwei Jahrzehnte Ransomware

Erpresserische Angriffe auf Unternehmen mit Verschlüsselungssoftware haben in den letzten Jahrzehnten eine rasante Entwicklung durchlaufen und werden weiter eine große Gefahr für die Datensicherheit stellen. Unternehmen müssen sich nicht zuletzt durch ständige Datensicherung in die Lage versetzen, solche Angriffe ignorieren zu können.

Im Mai 2000 veränderte ein Student auf den Philippinen mit einem simplen Stück Malware die Welt der Cybersicherheit für immer: LoveBug hatte am Ende mehr als 45 Millionen Computer infiziert und den Grundstein für die milliardenschwere Industrie der der Erpressersoftware gelegt. Es war die erste Malware, die sowohl Unternehmen als auch Privatuser in erheblichem Maße schädigte und offline stellte. Einer der wichtigsten aktuellen Schwerpunkte der damals beginnenden kriminellen Cyberindustrie ist zur Zeit die Ransomware.

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(Bild: gemeinfrei / Pixabay )

Code42 solutions now available via netextend

CrashPlan endpoint backup and SharePlan enterprise file sync/share—unmatched data protection and productivity at work, home and everywhere in-between.

CrashPlan, the market leader in enterprise endpoint backup, runs silently in the background, continuously protecting data created and stored on employee endpoints. CrashPlan backs up data automatically, with no user effort or intervention required, and enables users to quickly and easily restore data—on their own—to any device.

Enterprises using CrashPlan enjoy significant security and productivity gains. Its Code42 admin console gives IT full visibility of all protected devices and data in a single dashboard—enabling one IT administrator to support many thousands of end users.

Once enterprise endpoints are protected, CrashPlan serves as the foundation for data governance initiatives such as e-discovery and legal holds, data migration, and disaster recovery.

CloudLounge Services extended


CloudLounge Service from netextend have been extended by a much bigger data availaibility and quicker turn-around of vOrg changes.

orange_dot_small Keep up with your demand

Your benefits with CloudLounge: Use our highly secure datacenter, which is located in Germany, dynamically and flexibly according to your current needs.
With one click you can configure your CloudLounge according to your current demand and easily request it by credit card.

CloudLounge – Your extra flexibility

Your savings with CloudLounge:

  • NO cost for a physical server infrastructure
  • NO cost for virutalization licenses
  • NO cost for power and air conditioning (environmentally friendly)
  • NO cost for maintenance and field service
  • NO cost for datacenter space

Configure your virtual datacenter in the cloud exactly to your needs. Adjust the individual elements to your present requirements:

netextend PCI DSS certified


netextend has renewed it’s already existing PCI DSS certification. All tests and examinations were done by TÜV Süd in Munich.

PCI DSS stands for Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard. It was developed by major credit card companies as a guideline to help organisations that process card payments prevent credit card fraud, hacking and various other security vulnerabilities and threats. netextend has been one of the first credit card processing companies to achieve PCI compliance according to the PCI Security Standards Council.